Get Paid Faster

With Octane Payments, balance notifications are delivered to your patients instantly, eliminating the time it takes to print and mail monthly statements, receive payments back from the patient, and then take checks to the bank for deposit. Octane Payments eliminates that delay and streamlines the entire process. Patients are notified of their balance via email, text message, or both. By clicking the secure link, patients are able to quickly pay their outstanding balance. Getting paid goes from days, weeks - or even months -to just minutes.

    Practice Highlights
  • Notifications can be sent via email or SMS text message, and can be automated or sent manually.
  • No payment portal/URL required; payments can be made with direct link from email or text.
  • Payments are immediately processed and deposited into provider’s merchant and bank account.
  • Eliminates the cost of paper statements and frees up staff for more important tasks.
    Patient Highlights
  • Payments can be made when and where it’s most convenient for them.
  • No login or password to remember (patients enter either zip code or DOB).
  • Patients can pay their bill in full, make partial payments, or set up payment plans.
  • Credit card information can be stored for even faster payments in the future.
  • Improves the patient payment experience, and increases loyalty.

Proven Results

40% of patients viewed their account within 24 hours of receiving a balance notification

8% of patients paid their bill in the first 24 hours of receiving a balance notification

92% of patients paying their bill, paid in full

Over 50% adaption rate within a month of launching Octane Solutions

Payments Made Simple